# roms/_nonparametric.py
"""Nonparametric ROM class."""
__all__ = [
import numpy as np
from ..models import _utils as modutils
from ._base import _BaseROM
class ROM(_BaseROM):
r"""Nonparametric reduced-order model.
This class connects classes from the various submodules to form a complete
reduced-order modeling workflow.
High-dimensional data
:math:`\to` transformed / preprocessed data
:math:`\to` compressed data
:math:`\to` low-dimensional model.
model : :mod:`opinf.models` object
Nonparametric system model, an instance of one of the following:
* :class:`opinf.models.ContinuousModel`
* :class:`opinf.models.DiscreteModel`
lifter : :mod:`opinf.lift` object or None
Lifting transformation.
transformer : :mod:`opinf.pre` object or None
basis : :mod:`opinf.basis` object or None
Dimensionality reducer.
ddt_estimator : :mod:`opinf.ddt` object or None
Time derivative estimator.
Ignored if ``model`` is not time continuous.
def __init__(
"""Store each argument as an attribute."""
if not modutils.is_nonparametric(model):
raise TypeError("'model' must be a nonparametric model instance")
super().__init__(model, lifter, transformer, basis, ddt_estimator)
# Training ----------------------------------------------------------------
def fit(
fit_transformer: bool = True,
fit_basis: bool = True,
"""Calibrate the model to training data.
states : list of s (n, k_i) ndarrays
State snapshots in the original state space. Each array
``states[i]`` is data corresponding to a different trajectory;
each column ``states[i][:, j]`` is one snapshot.
If there is only one trajectory of training data (s = 1),
``states`` may be an (n, k) ndarray. In this case, it is assumed
that ``lhs`` and ``inputs`` (if given) are arrays, not a sequence
of arrays.
lhs : list of s (n, k_i) ndarrays or None
Left-hand side regression data. Each array ``lhs[i]`` is the data
corresponding to parameter value ``parameters[i]``; each column
``lhs[i][:, j]`` corresponds to the snapshot ``states[i][:, j]``.
- If the model is time continuous, these are the time derivatives
of the state snapshots.
- If the model is fully discrete, these are the "next states"
corresponding to the state snapshots.
If ``None``, these are estimated using :attr:`ddt_estimator`
(time continuous) or extracted from ``states`` (fully discrete).
inputs : list of s (m, k_i) ndarrays or None
Input training data. Each array ``inputs[i]`` is the data
corresponding to parameter value ``parameters[i]``; each column
``inputs[i][:, j]`` corresponds to the snapshot ``states[:, j]``.
May be a two-dimensional array if :math:`m=1` (scalar input).
Only required if one or more model operators depend on inputs.
fit_transformer : bool
If ``True`` (default), calibrate the preprocessing transformation
using the ``states``. If ``False``, assume the transformer is
already calibrated.
fit_basis : bool
If ``True``, calibrate the high-to-low dimensional mapping
using the ``states``.
If ``False``, assume the basis is already calibrated.
return self
def fit_regselect_continuous(
candidates: list,
train_time_domains: np.ndarray,
states: list,
ddts: list = None,
input_functions: list = None,
fit_transformer: bool = True,
fit_basis: bool = True,
gridsearch_only: bool = False,
test_time_length: float = 0,
stability_margin: float = 5.0,
test_cases: list = None,
verbose: bool = False,
**predict_options: dict,
"""Calibrate the time-continuous model to training data, selecting the
regularization hyperparameter(s) that minimize the training error while
maintaining stability over the testing regime.
This method requires the :attr:`model` to be time-continuous and to
have a ``solver`` of one of the following types:
* :class:`opinf.lstsq.L2Solver`
* :class:`opinf.lstsq.L2DecoupledSolver`
* :class:`opinf.lstsq.TikhonovSolver`
* :class:`opinf.lstsq.TikhonovDecoupledSolver`
The ``solver.regularizer`` is repeatedly adjusted, and the model is
recalibrated, until a best regularization is selected.
candidates : list of regularization hyperparameters
Regularization hyperparameters to check before carrying out a
derivative-free optimization.
train_time_domains : list of s (k_i,) ndarrays
Time domain corresponding to the training states.
states : list of s (n, k_i) ndarrays
State snapshots in the original state space. Each array
``states[i]`` is data corresponding to a different trajectory;
each column ``states[i][:, j]`` is one snapshot.
ddts : list of s (n, k_i) ndarrays or None
Snapshot time derivative data. Each array ``ddts[i]`` are the time
derivatives of ``states[i]``; each column ``ddts[i][:, j]``
corresponds to the snapshot ``states[i][:, j]``. If ``None``
(default), these are estimated using :attr:`ddt_estimator`.
input_functions : list of s callables or None
Input functions mapping time to input vectors. Only required if the
:attr:`model` takes external inputs. Each ``input_functions[i]``
is the function corresponding to ``states[i]``, and
``input_functions[i](train_time_domains[i][j])`` is the input
vector corresponding to the snapshot ``states[i][:, j]``.
fit_transformer : bool
If ``True`` (default), calibrate the preprocessing transformation
using the ``states``.
If ``False``, assume the transformer is already calibrated.
fit_basis : bool
If ``True`` (default), calibrate the high-to-low dimensional
mapping using the ``states``.
If ``False``, assume the basis is already calibrated.
regularizer_factory : callable or None
Function mapping regularization hyperparameters to the full
regularizer. Specifically, ``regularizer_factory(candidates[i])``
will be assigned to ``model.solver.regularizer`` for each ``i``.
If ``None`` (default), set ``regularizer_factory()`` to the
identity function.
gridsearch_only : bool
If ``True``, stop after checking all regularization ``candidates``
and do not follow up with optimization.
test_time_length : float or None
Amount of time after the training regime in which to require model
stability_margin : float
Factor by which the predicted reduced states may deviate from the
range of the training reduced states without the trajectory being
classified as unstable.
test_cases : list of ContinuousRegTest objects
Additional test cases for which the model is required to be stable.
See :class:`opinf.utils.ContinuousRegTest`.
verbose : bool
If ``True``, print information during the regularization selection.
predict_options : dict or None
Extra arguments for :meth:`opinf.models.ContinuousModel.predict`.
If there is only one trajectory of training data (s = 1), ``states``
may be provided as an (n, k) ndarray. In this case, it is assumed that
``ddts`` (if provided) is an (n, k) ndarray and that ``inputs`` (if
provided) is a single callable.
The ``train_time_domains`` may be a single one-dimensional array, in
which case it is assumed that each trajectory ``states[i]`` corresponds
to the same time domain.
return super().fit_regselect_continuous(
def fit_regselect_discrete(
candidates: list,
states: list,
inputs: list = None,
fit_transformer: bool = True,
fit_basis: bool = True,
gridsearch_only: bool = False,
num_test_iters: int = 0,
stability_margin: float = 5.0,
test_cases: list = None,
verbose: bool = False,
"""Calibrate the fully discrete model to training data, selecting the
regularization hyperparameter(s) that minimize the training error
while maintaining stability over the testing regime.
This method requires the :attr:`model` to be time-continuous and to
have a ``solver`` of one of the following types:
* :class:`opinf.lstsq.L2Solver`
* :class:`opinf.lstsq.L2DecoupledSolver`
* :class:`opinf.lstsq.TikhonovSolver`
* :class:`opinf.lstsq.TikhonovDecoupledSolver`
The ``solver.regularizer`` is repeatedly adjusted, and the model is
recalibrated, until a best regularization is selected.
candidates : list of regularization hyperparameters
Regularization hyperparameters to check. If a single hyperparameter
is given, use it as the start of an optimization-based search.
states : list of s (n, k_i) ndarrays
State snapshots in the original state space. Each array
``states[i]`` is data corresponding to a different trajectory;
each column ``states[i][:, j]`` is one snapshot. This method
assumes the snapshots are sequential, i.e., the model maps
``states[i][:, j]`` to ``states[i][:, j+1]``.
states : list of s (r, k_i) ndarrays
State snapshots in the reduced state space. This method assumes
the snapshots are sequential, i.e., the model maps
``states[i][:, j]`` to ``states[i][:, j+1]``.
inputs : list of s (m, k_i + num_test_iters) ndarrays
Inputs corresponding to the training data, together with inputs
for the testing regime. Only required if the :attr:`model` takes
external inputs.
regularizer_factory : callable or None
Function mapping regularization hyperparameters to the full
regularizer. Specifically, ``regularizer_factory(candidates[i])``
will be assigned to ``model.solver.regularizer`` for each ``i``.
gridsearch_only : bool
If ``True``, stop after checking all regularization ``candidates``
and do not follow up with optimization.
num_test_iters : int
Number of iterations after the training data in which to require
model stability.
stability_margin : float,
Factor by which the reduced states may deviate from the range of
the training data without being flagged as unstable.
test_cases : list of DiscreteRegTest objects
Additional test cases for which the model is required to be stable.
See :class:`opinf.utils.DiscreteRegTest`.
verbose : bool
If ``True``, print information during the regularization selection.
If there is only one trajectory of training data (s = 1), ``states``
may be provided as an (n, k) ndarray. In this case, it is assumed that
``inputs`` (if provided) is a single (m, k) ndarray.
return super().fit_regselect_discrete(
# Evaluation --------------------------------------------------------------
def predict(self, state0, *args, **kwargs):
"""Evaluate the reduced-order model.
Arguments are the same as the ``predict()`` method of :attr:`model`.
state0 : (n,) ndarray
Initial state, expressed in the original state space.
*args : list
Other positional arguments to the ``predict()`` method of
**kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments to the ``predict()`` method of :attr:`model`.
states: (n, k) ndarray
Solution to the model, expressed in the original state space.
q0_ = self.encode(state0, fit_transformer=False, fit_basis=False)
states = self.model.predict(q0_, *args, **kwargs)
return self.decode(states)