

Project a high-dimensional state vector to the subset of the high-dimensional space that can be represented by the basis.

This is done by

  1. expressing the state in low-dimensional latent coordinates, then

  2. reconstructing the high-dimensional state corresponding to those coordinates.

In other words, project(Q) is equivalent to decompress(compress(Q)).

states(n, …) ndarray

Matrix of n-dimensional state vectors, or a single state vector. The first full_variable_sizes[0] entries correspond to the first state variable, the next full_variable_sizes[1] entries correspond to the second state variable, and so on.

state_projected(n, …) ndarray

Matrix of n-dimensional projected state vectors, or a single projected state vector. The first full_variable_sizes[0] entries correspond to the first state variable, the next full_variable_sizes[1] entries correspond to the second state variable, and so on.