What is Operator Inference?#
The goal of Operator Inference (OpInf) is to construct a low-dimensional, computationally inexpensive system whose solutions are close to those of some high-dimensional system for which we have 1) training data and 2) some knowledge about the system structure. The main steps are the following.
Get training data. Gather and preprocess high-dimensional data to learn a low-dimensional model from. This package has a few common preprocessing tools, but the user must bring the data to the table.
Compute a low-dimensional state representation. Approximate the high-dimensional data with only a few degrees of freedom. The simplest approach is to take the SVD of the high-dimensional training data, extract the first few left singular vectors, and use these vectors as a new coordinate basis.
Set up and solve a low-dimensional regression. Use the low-dimensional representation of the training data to determine a reduced-order model (ROM) that best fits the data in a minimum-residual sense. This is the core objective of the package.
Solve the reduced-order model. Use the learned model to make computationally efficient predictions.
Fig. 1 The OpInf workflow.#
This page gives an overview of OpInf by walking through each of these steps.
Problem Statement#
Consider a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with state \(\q(t)\in\RR^{n}\) and inputs \(\u(t)\in\RR^{m}\),
where \(\f:\RR\times\RR^n\times\RR^m\to\RR^n\). We call (1) the full-order model (FOM). Given samples of the state \(\q(t)\) and corresponding inputs \(\u(t)\), OpInf learns a surrogate system for (1) with the much smaller state \(\qhat(t) \in \RR^{r}, r \ll n,\) and a polynomial structure, for example:
We call (2) a reduced-order model (ROM) for (1). Our goal is to infer the reduced-order operators \(\chat \in \RR^{r}\), \(\Ahat\in\RR^{r\times r}\), \(\Hhat\in\RR^{r\times r^{2}}\), and/or \(\Bhat\in\RR^{r\times m}\) using data from (1). The user specifies which terms to include in the model.
The right-hand side of the ROM (2) is a polynomial with respect to the state \(\qhat(t)\): \(\chat\) are the constant terms, \(\Ahat\qhat(t)\) are the linear terms, \(\Hhat[\qhat(t)\otimes\qhat(t)]\) are the quadratic terms, with input terms \(\Bhat\u(t)\). The user must choose which terms to include in the ROM, and this choice should be motivated by the structure of the FOM (1) and the way that the reduced-order state \(\qhat(t)\) approximates the full-order state \(\q(t)\).
For example, suppose the FOM is a linear time-invariant (LTI) system, written as
for some \(\A\in\RR^{n\times n}\) and \(\B\in\RR^{n\times m}\). Let \(\Vr\in\RR^{n\times r}\) be a matrix with orthonormal columns and suppose we approximate the FOM state with the linear relationship \(\q(t) \approx \Vr\qhat(t)\). Then the ROM should mirror the LTI structure of the FOM:
with \(\Ahat\in\RR^{r\times r}\) and \(\Bhat\in\RR^{r\times m}\).
Projection preserves polynomial structure [BGW15, PW16]. The classical (Galerkin) projection-based ROM for (2) is obtained by substituting \(\q(t)\) with its low-dimensional approximation and enforcing an orthogonality condition.
For example, if \(\q(t) \approx \Vr\qhat(t)\), then the Galerkin ROM is
Now suppose that \(\f\) can be written in a polynomial form,
where \(\c\in\RR^{n}\), \(\A\in\RR^{n\times n}\), \(\H\in\RR^{n\times n^2}\), and \(\B\in\RR^{r\times m}\). We then have
Since \(\Vr\trp\Vr\) is the identity matrix and using \((\mathbf{XY})\otimes(\mathbf{ZW}) = (\mathbf{X}\otimes \mathbf{Z})(\mathbf{Y}\otimes\mathbf{W})\), this reduces to
where \(\chat = \Vr\trp\c\), \(\Ahat = \Vr\trp\A\Vr\), \(\Hhat = \Vr\trp\H\left(\Vr\otimes\Vr\trp\right)\), and \(\Bhat = \Vr\trp\B\). Hence, the Galerkin ROM has the same polynomial form as \(\f\).
OpInf aims to learn appropriate reduced-order operators \(\chat\), \(\Ahat\), \(\Hhat\), and/or \(\Bhat\) from data and is therefore useful for situations where \(\c\), \(\A\), \(\H\), and/or \(\B\) are not explicitly available for matrix computations.
Get Training Data#
OpInf learns ROMs from full-order state/input data. Start by gathering solution and input data and organizing them columnwise into the state snapshot matrix \(\Q\) and input matrix \(\U\),
where \(n\) is the dimension of the (discretized) state, \(m\) is the dimension of the input, \(k\) is the number of available data points, and the columns of \(\Q\) and \(\U\) are the solution to the FOM at some time \(t_j\):
Raw dynamical systems data often needs to be lightly preprocessed before it can be used in OpInf. Preprocessing can promote stability in the inference of the reduced-order operators and improve the stability and accuracy of the resulting ROM (2). Common preprocessing steps include
Variable transformations / lifting to induce a polynomial structure.
Centering or shifting data to account for boundary conditions.
Scaling / nondimensionalizing the variables represented in the state.
See opinf.lift
and opinf.pre
for details and examples.
OpInf uses a regression problem to compute the reduced-order operators, which requires state data (\(\Q\)), input data (\(\U\)), as well as data for the corresponding time derivatives:
If the time derivatives cannot be computed directly by evaluating \(\f(t_{j}, \q_{j}, \u_{j})\), in some cases they may be inferred from the state snapshots.
The simplest approach is to use finite differences of the state snapshots, see opinf.ddt
If you do any preprocessing on the states, be sure to use the time derivatives of the processed states, not of the original states.
Compute a Low-dimensional State Representation#
The purpose of learning a ROM is to achieve a computational speedup. This is accomplished by introducing an approximate representation of the \(n\)-dimensional state using only \(r \ll n\) degrees of freedom. The most common approach is to represent the state as a linear combination of \(r\) vectors:
We call \(\Vr \in \RR^{n \times r}\) the basis matrix and typically require that it have orthonormal columns.
The basis matrix is the link between the high-dimensional state space of the full-order model (1) and the low-dimensional state space of the ROM (2).
See opinf.basis
for tools to compute the basis \(\Vr\in\RR^{n \times r}\) and select an appropriate dimension \(r\).
Set up and Solve a Low-dimensional Regression#
OpInf determines the operators \(\chat\), \(\Ahat\), \(\Hhat\), and/or \(\Bhat\) by solving the following data-driven regression:
\(\qhat_{j} = \Vr\trp\q(t_{j})\) is the state at time \(t_{j}\) represented in the coordinates of the basis,
\(\dot{\qhat}_{j} = \ddt\Vr\trp\q(t)\big|_{t=t_{j}}\) is the time derivative of the state at time \(t_{j}\) in the coordinates of the basis,
\(\u_{j} = \u(t_j)\) is the input at time \(t_{j}\), and
\(\mathcal{R}\) is a regularization term that penalizes the entries of the learned operators.
The least-squares minimization (4) can be written in the more standard form
in which \(d(r,m) = 1 + r + r(r+1)/2 + m\) and \(\mathbf{1}_{k}\in\RR^{k}\) is a vector of ones.
The Frobenius norm of a matrix is the square root of the sum of the squared entries. If \(\mathbf{Z}\) has entries \(z_{ij}\), then
Writing \(\mathbf{Z}\) in terms of its columns,
we have
Furthermore, \(\|\mathbf{Z}\|_{F} = \|\mathbf{Z}\trp\|_{F}\). Using these two properties, we can rewrite the least-squares residual as follows:
which is the standard form given above.
For the most common choices of \(\mathcal{R}\), the OpInf learning problem (4) has a unique solution if and only if the data matrix \(\D\) has full column rank. A necessary condition for this to happen is \(k \ge d(r,m)\), that is, the number of training snapshots \(k\) should exceed the number of reduced-order operator entries to be learned for each system mode. If you are experiencing poor performance with OpInf ROMs, try decreasing \(r\), increasing \(k\), or adding a regularization term to improve the conditioning of the learning problem.
Let \(\ohat_{1},\ldots,\ohat_{r}\in\RR^{d(r,m)}\) be the rows of \(\Ohat\). If the regularization can be written as
then the OpInf regression decouples along the rows of \(\Ohat\) into \(r\) independent least-squares problems:
where \(\mathbf{y}_{i},\ldots,\mathbf{y}_{r}\) are the rows of \(\mathbf{Y}\).
Solve the Reduced-order Model#
Once the reduced-order operators have been determined, the corresponding ROM (2) can be solved rapidly to make predictions. The computational cost of solving the ROM scales with \(r\), the number of degrees of freedom in the low-dimensional representation of the state.
For example, we may use the ROM to obtain approximate solutions of the FOM (1) with
new initial conditions \(\q_{0}\),
a different input function \(\u(t)\),
a longer time horizon than the training data,
different system parameters.
The accuracy of any data-driven model depends on how well the training data represents the full-order system. We should not expect a ROM to perform well under conditions that are wildly different than the training data. The Getting Started tutorial demonstrates this concept in the context of prediction for new initial conditions.
Brief Example#
Suppose we have the following variables.
Variable |
Symbol |
Description |
\(\Q\in\RR^{n\times k}\) |
State snapshot matrix |
\(t\) |
Time domain for snapshot data |
\(\u:\RR\to\RR^{m}\) |
Input function |
That is, Q[:, j]
is the state corresponding to time t[j]
and u
is a function handle describing the input.
Then the following code learns a ROM of the form
from the training data, uses the ROM to reconstruct the training data, and computes the error of the reconstruction.
import opinf
# Set up and calibrate a ROM with a rank-10 basis and quadratic model structure.
rom = opinf.ROM(
).fit(states=Q, inputs=u(t))
# Solve the ROM over a specified time domain.
Q_rom = rom.predict(Q[:, 0], t, input_func=u)
# Compute the error of the ROM prediction.
absolute_error, relative_error = opinf.post.Lp_error(Q, Q_rom, t)
The API pages for each submodule provide details on the arguments to the ROM
See Getting Started for an introductory tutorial.