
class PODBasis(num_vectors: int = None, svdval_threshold: float = None, cumulative_energy: float = None, residual_energy: float = None, projection_error: float = None, max_vectors: int = None, svdsolver: str = 'dense', weights: ndarray = None, name: str = None, **svdsolver_options)[source]#

Proper othogonal decomposition basis, consisting of the principal left singular vectors of a collection of states.

\[\text{svd}(\Q) = \bfPhi\bfSigma\bfPsi\trp \qquad\Longrightarrow\qquad \text{pod}(\Q, r) = \bfPhi_{:,:r}\]

The low-dimensional approximation is linear, see LinearBasis. Here, \(\Q\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times k}\) is a collection of states, the only argument of fit().

The POD basis entries matrix \(\Vr = \bfPhi_{:,:r}\in\RR^{n\times r}\) always has orthonormal columns, i.e., \(\Vr\trp\Vr = \I\). If a weight matrix \(\W\) is specified, a weighted SVD is computed so that \(\Vr\trp\W\Vr = \I\). The columns of the basis entries are also the dominant eigenvectors of \(\Q\trp\W\Q\) and can be computed through eigendecomposition by setting svdsolver="eigh".

The number of left singular vectors \(r\) is the dimension of the reduced state and is set by specifying exactly one of the constructor arguments num_vectors, svdval_threshold, residual_energy, cumulative_energy, or projection_error. Once the basis entries are set by calling fit(), the reduced state dimension \(r\) can be updated by calling set_dimension().

The POD singular values, which are used to select \(r\), are the diagonals of \(\bfSigma\) and are denoted \(\sigma_1,\ldots,\sigma_k\).


Set the reduced state dimension \(r\) to num_vectors.


Choose \(r\) as the number of normalized POD singular values that are greater than the given threshold, i.e., \(\sigma_{i}/\sigma_{1} \ge\) svdval_threshold for \(i=1,\ldots,r\).


Choose \(r\) as the smallest integer such that \(\sum_{i=1}^{r}\sigma_i^2\big/\sum_{j=1}^{k}\sigma_j^2\) is greater than or equal to cumulative_energy.


Choose \(r\) as the smallest integer such that \(\sum_{i=r+1}^k\sigma_i^2\big/\sum_{j=1}^k\sigma_j^2\) is less than or equal to residual_energy.


Choose \(r\) as the smallest integer such that \(\|\Q - \Vr\Vr\trp\Q\|_F \big/ \|\Q\|_F\) is less than or equal to projection_error.


Maximum number of POD basis vectors to store. After calling fit(), the reduced_state_dimension can be increased up to max_vectors. If not given (default), record all \(k\) left singular vectors.

svdsolverstr or callable

Strategy for computing the thin SVD of the states.


  • "dense" (default): Use scipy.linalg.svd() to compute the SVD. May be inefficient for very large state matrices.

  • "randomized": Compute an approximate SVD with a randomized approach via sklearn.utils.extmath.randomized_svd(). May be more efficient but less accurate for very large state matrices. NOTE: it is highly recommended to set max_vectors to limit the number of computed singular vectors. In this case, only max_vectors singular values are computed as well, meaning the cumulative and residual energies cannot be computed exactly.

  • "method-of-snapshots" or "eigh": Compute the basis through a symmetric eigenvalue decomposition, rather than through the SVD, via scipy.linalg.eigh(). This is how POD was computed when it was orginally introduced. If the state dimension is larger than the number of snapshots, this method is much more efficient than the SVD. Moreover, non-Euclidean inner products (see weights) are handled much more efficiently this way than with an SVD-based approach. NOTE: in this case, an additional keyword argument minthresh defines a threshold at which small eigenvalues are truncated.

  • callable: If this argument is a callable function, use it for the SVD computation. The signature must match scipy.linalg.svd(), i.e., U, s, Vh = svdsolver(states, **svdsolver_options)

weights(n, n) ndarray or (n,) ndarray None

Weight matrix \(\W\) or its diagonals. When provided, a weighted singular value decomposition of the states is used to ensure that the left singular vectors are orthogonal with respect to the weight matrix, i.e., \(\bfPhi\trp\W\bfPhi = \I\). If None (default), set \(\W\) to the identity.


Label for the state variable that this basis approximates.


Options to pass to the SVD solver.


Amount of singular value energy captured by the basis, \(\sum_{i=1}^r\sigma_i^2\big/\sum_{j=1}^k\sigma_j^2\).


Entries of the basis matrix \(\Vr\in\RR^{n \times r}\). Also accessible via indexing (basis[:]).


Dimension \(n\) of the full state.


Leading left singular vectors of the training data.


Number of POD basis vectors stored in memory. The reduced_state_dimension may be increased up to max_vectors.


Label for the state variable that this basis approximates.


Dimension \(r\) of the reduced (compressed) state.


Amount of singular value energy not captured by the basis, \(\sum_{i=r+1}^k\sigma_i^2\big/\sum_{j=1}^k\sigma_j^2\).


Leading right singular vectors of the training data, if available.


Dimensions \((n, r)\) of the basis.


Strategy for computing the thin SVD of the states, either 'dense', 'randomized', or 'custom'.


Options to pass to the SVD solver.


Normalized singular values of the training data.


Weight matrix \(\W \in \RR^{n \times n}\).



Map high-dimensional states to low-dimensional latent coordinates.


Map low-dimensional latent coordinates to high-dimensional states.


Compute the POD basis entries by taking the SVD of the states.


Initialize a PODBasis from the singular value decomposition of an \(n\times k\) matrix.


Load a basis from an HDF5 file.


Plot the basis vectors over a one-dimensional domain.


Plot the cumulative singular value energy and a function of the basis size.


Plot the normalized singular values and the cumulative and residual energies.


Plot the relative projection error of the training snapshots as a function of the basis size.


Plot the residual singular value energy as a function of the basis size.


Plot the normalized singular value decay.


Project a high-dimensional state vector to the subset of the high-dimensional space that can be represented by the basis.


Compute the error of the basis representation of a state or states.


Save the basis to an HDF5 file.


Set the reduced state dimension \(r\).


Verify that compress() and decompress() are consistent in the sense that the range of decompress() is in the domain of compress() and that project() defines a projection operator, i.e., project(project(Q)) = project(Q).