Testing Source Code#

This page is an overview of the package testing infrastructure.


  • Use make lint to verify that code follows the style guide.

  • Write unit tests in the tests/ folder that mirror the structure of the source code.

  • Use make test to run the tests.

Linting with Flake8#

Before you can test your code, it must be free of syntax error and conform to the style guide. We follow PEP 8 and other standard Python formatting guidelines. These are enforced by flake8, a common Python linter. The linter does not alter the code; it only checks that code satisfies a specified style guide and sometimes identifies syntax and other errors.

To use the linter, run make lint in the command line from the root folder of the repository. If your code passes, you will see the following.

python3 -m flake8 src
python3 -m flake8 tests

If your code fails, you will get specific feedback about what is wrong and where. For example:

python3 -m flake8 src
src/opinf/roms/_base.py:29:5: E303 too many blank lines (3)
1     E303 too many blank lines (3)
make: *** [lint] Error 1


Code that passes the linter satisfies the style guide, but it is not guaranteed to work as intended. Linting does not replace unit tests for gauging code correctness and functionality.

Formatting with Black#


  • What is black

  • How to run it

  • Pre-commit hook

  • Format on save functionality in many IDEs

Unit Testing with Pytest#

We use the Pytest framework for unit testing.

  • All tests are stored in the tests/ folder.

  • The file structure of tests/ should mirror the file structure of src/opinf/, but test files must start with test_. For example, tests for the source file src/opinf/pre/_basis.py are grouped in tests/pre/test_basis.py. Within that file, the function test_pod_basis() runs tests for pre.pod_basis().

  • Tests for classes are grouped as classes. For example, the methods of the TestBaseROM class in tests/roms/test_base.py are unit tests for the methods of the _BaseROM class in src/opinf/roms/_base.py.

After making changes to the source code in src/opinf and writing corresponding tests in tests/, execute make test in the command line from the root folder of the repository.

Line coverage refers to the lines of code that tests have executed.


All code in tests/ must also pass the linter. Write readable tests for readable source code!

GitHub Actions#

Pull requests to develop are tested through GitHub Actions: GitHub clones the new version of the repository, runs the tests, compiles the documentation, and reports any errors. All tests must pass before your changes can be merged in. Before pushing new changes, always make test and make docs until all tests pass and the documentation compiles without errors.