# lstsq/_base.py
"""Base class for solvers for the Operator Inference regression problem."""
__all__ = [
import os
import abc
import copy
import warnings
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
from .. import errors, utils
_require_trained = utils.requires2(
message="solver not trained, call fit()",
def lstsq_size(modelform, r, m=0, affines=None) -> int:
r"""Compute the number of columns in the operator matrix :math:`\Ohat` in
the Operator Inference least-squares problem. This is also the number of
columns in the data matrix :math:`\D`.
modelform : str containing 'c', 'A', 'H', 'G', and/or 'B'
The structure of the desired reduced-order model. Each character
indicates the presence of a different term in the model:
'c' : Constant term c
'A' : Linear state term Ax.
'H' : Quadratic state term H(x⊗x).
'G' : Cubic state term G(x⊗x⊗x).
'B' : Input term Bu.
For example, modelform=="AB" means f(x,u) = Ax + Bu.
r : int
The dimension of the reduced order model.
m : int
The dimension of the inputs of the model.
Must be zero unless 'B' is in `modelform`.
affines : dict(str -> list(callables))
Functions that define the structures of the affine operators.
Keys must match the modelform:
* 'c': Constant term c(µ).
* 'A': Linear state matrix A(µ).
* 'H': Quadratic state matrix H(µ).
* 'G': Cubic state matrix G(µ).
* 'B': linear Input matrix B(µ).
For example, if the constant term has the affine structure
c(µ) = θ1(µ)c1 + θ2(µ)c2 + θ3(µ)c3, then 'c' -> [θ1, θ2, θ3].
ncols : int
The number of columns in the Operator Inference least-squares problem.
if "B" in modelform and m == 0:
raise ValueError("argument m > 0 required since 'B' in modelform")
if "B" not in modelform and m != 0:
raise ValueError(f"argument m={m} invalid since 'B' in modelform")
if affines is None:
affines = {}
qs = [
if (op in affines and op in modelform)
else 1 if op in modelform else 0
for op in "cAHGB"
rs = [1, r, r * (r + 1) // 2, r * (r + 1) * (r + 2) // 6, m]
return sum(qq * rr for qq, rr in zip(qs, rs))
class SolverTemplate(abc.ABC):
r"""Template for solvers for the Operator Inference regression
:math:`\Z \approx \Ohat\D\trp` (or :math:`\D\Ohat\trp \approx \Z\trp`)
for the operator matrix :math:`\Ohat`.
Child classes formulate the regression, which may include regularization
terms and/or optimization constraints. Hyperparameters should be set in
the constructor (regularization terms, etc.).
def __init__(self):
self.__D = None
self.__Z = None
# Properties: matrices ----------------------------------------------------
def data_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray:
r""":math:`k \times d` data matrix :math:`\D`."""
return self.__D
def lhs_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray:
r""":math:`r \times k` left-hand side data :math:`\Z`."""
return self.__Z
# Properties: matrix dimensions -------------------------------------------
def k(self) -> int:
r"""Number of equations in the least-squares problem
(number of rows of :math:`\D` and number of columns of :math:`\Z`).
return D.shape[0] if (D := self.data_matrix) is not None else None
def d(self) -> int:
r"""Number of unknowns in each row of the operator matrix
(number of columns of :math:`\D` and :math:`\Ohat`).
return D.shape[1] if (D := self.data_matrix) is not None else None
def r(self) -> int:
r"""Number of operator matrix rows to learn
(number of rows of :math:`\Z` and :math:`\Ohat`)
return Z.shape[0] if (Z := self.lhs_matrix) is not None else None
# String representation ---------------------------------------------------
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""String representation: class name + dimensions."""
out = [self.__class__.__name__]
if (self.data_matrix is not None) and (self.lhs_matrix is not None):
out.append(f" data_matrix: {self.data_matrix.shape}")
out.append(f" condition number: {self.cond():.4e}")
out.append(f" lhs_matrix: {self.lhs_matrix.shape}")
out.append(f" solve().shape: {self.r, self.d}")
out[0] += " (not trained)"
return "\n".join(out)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Unique ID + string representation."""
return utils.str2repr(self)
def _print_kwargs(opts: dict) -> str:
"""Utility for printing routine options in __str__()."""
return ", ".join([f"{key}={repr(val)}" for key, val in opts.items()])
# Main methods -----------------------------------------------------------
def fit(self, data_matrix: np.ndarray, lhs_matrix: np.ndarray):
r"""Verify dimensions and save the data matrices.
data_matrix : (k, d) ndarray
Data matrix :math:`\D`.
lhs_matrix : (r, k) or (k,) ndarray
"Left-hand side" data matrix :math:`\Z` (not its transpose!).
If one-dimensional, assume :math:`r = 1`.
# Verify dimensions.
if data_matrix.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError("data_matrix must be two-dimensional")
if lhs_matrix.ndim == 1:
lhs_matrix = lhs_matrix.reshape((1, -1))
if lhs_matrix.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError("lhs_matrix must be one- or two-dimensional")
if (k1 := lhs_matrix.shape[1]) != (k2 := data_matrix.shape[0]):
raise errors.DimensionalityError(
"data_matrix and lhs_matrix not aligned "
f"(lhs_matrix.shape[-1] = {k1} != {k2} = data_matrix.shape[0])"
self.__D = data_matrix
self.__Z = lhs_matrix
return self
def solve(self) -> np.ndarray: # pragma: no cover
r"""Solve the Operator Inference regression.
Ohat : (r, d) ndarray
Operator matrix :math:`\Ohat` (not its transpose!).
raise NotImplementedError
# Post-processing --------------------------------------------------------
def cond(self) -> float:
r"""Compute the :math:`2`-norm condition number of the data matrix
conditionnumber : float
return np.linalg.cond(self.data_matrix)
def residual(self, Ohat: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
r"""Compute the residual of the :math:`2`-norm regression objective for
each row of the given operator matrix.
Specifically, given a potential :math:`\Ohat`, compute
.. math::
\|\D\ohat_i - \z_i\|_2^2,
\quad i = 1, \ldots, r,
where :math:`\ohat_i` and :math:`\z_i` are the :math:`i`-th rows of
:math:`\Ohat` and :math:`\Z`, respectively.
Ohat : (r, d) ndarray
Operator matrix :math:`\Ohat`.
residuals : (r,) ndarray
:math:`2`-norm residuals for each row of the operator matrix.
if self.r == 1 and Ohat.ndim == 1:
Ohat = Ohat.reshape((1, -1))
if Ohat.shape != (shape := (self.r, self.d)):
raise errors.DimensionalityError(
f"Ohat.shape = {Ohat.shape} != {shape} = (r, d)"
return np.sum(
(self.data_matrix @ Ohat.T - self.lhs_matrix.T) ** 2,
# Persistence -------------------------------------------------------------
def save(self, savefile: str, overwrite: bool = False): # pragma: no cover
"""Serialize the solver, saving it in HDF5 format.
The model can be recovered with the :meth:`load()` class method.
savefile : str
File to save to, with extension ``.h5`` (HDF5).
overwrite : bool
If ``True`` and the specified ``savefile`` already exists,
overwrite the file. If ``False`` (default) and the specified
``savefile`` already exists, raise an error.
raise NotImplementedError
def load(cls, loadfile: str): # pragma: no cover
"""Load a serialized solver from an HDF5 file, created previously from
the :meth:`save()` method.
loadfile : str
Path to the file where the model was stored via :meth:`save()`.
solver : SolverTemplate
Loaded solver.
raise NotImplementedError
def _save_dict(self, hf, attr="options"):
"""Helper method for serializing a dictionary in HDF5 format."""
options = hf.create_dataset(attr, shape=(0,))
for key, value in getattr(self, attr).items():
options.attrs[key] = "NULL" if value is None else value
def _load_dict(hf, attr="options"):
"""Helper method for loading a dictionary from HDF5 format. This
function is the inverse of :meth:`_save_dict()`."""
options = dict()
for key in hf[attr].attrs:
value = hf[attr].attrs[key]
options[key] = None if value == "NULL" else value
return options
def copy(self):
"""Make a copy of the solver."""
return copy.deepcopy(self)
# Verification ------------------------------------------------------------
def verify(self):
"""Verify the solver.
If the solver is already trained, check :meth:`solve()`,
:meth:`copy()`, and (if implemented) :meth:`save()` and :meth:`load()`.
If the solver is not trained, do nothing.
if self.data_matrix is None:
return print("cannot verify solve() before calling fit()")
tempfile = "_solververification.h5"
def _make_copy(solver):
newsolver = solver.copy()
if (s2cls := newsolver.__class__) is not (scls := self.__class__):
raise errors.VerificationError(
f"{scls.__name__}.copy() returned object "
f"of type '{s2cls.__name__}'"
return newsolver
def _check_equality(obj1, obj2, Ohat1, operation):
if obj1.r != obj2.r or obj1.d != obj2.d or obj1.k != obj2.k:
raise errors.VerificationError(
f"{operation} does not preserve problem dimensions"
if not np.allclose(obj2.solve(), Ohat1):
raise errors.VerificationError(
f"{operation} does not preserve the result of solve()"
# Verify solve().
Ohat = self.solve()
if (shape1 := Ohat.shape) != (shape2 := (self.r, self.d)):
raise errors.VerificationError(
"solve() did not return array of shape (r, d) "
f"(expected {shape2}, got {shape1})"
# Verify copy().
self2 = _make_copy(self)
_check_equality(self, self2, Ohat, "copy()")
print("solve() is consistent with problem dimensions")
# Verify save()/load().
self2.save(tempfile, overwrite=True)
self3 = self2.load(tempfile)
_check_equality(self2, self3, Ohat, "save()/load()")
except NotImplementedError:
print("save() and/or load() not implemented")
if os.path.isfile(tempfile):
class PlainSolver(SolverTemplate):
r"""Solve the :math:`2`-norm ordinary least-squares problem without any
regularization or constraints.
That is, solve
.. math::
\argmin_{\Ohat} \|\D\Ohat\trp - \Z\trp\|_F^2.
The solution is calculated using :func:`scipy.linalg.lstsq()`.
cond : float or None
Cutoff for 'small' singular values of the data matrix.
See :func:`scipy.linalg.lstsq()`.
lapack_driver : str or None
Which LAPACK driver is used to solve the least-squares problem.
See :func:`scipy.linalg.lstsq()`.
def __init__(self, cond=None, lapack_driver=None):
"""Store least-squares solver options."""
self.__options = dict(cond=cond, lapack_driver=lapack_driver)
def options(self):
"""Keyword arguments for :func:`scipy.linalg.lstsq()`."""
return self.__options
def __str__(self):
"""String representation: dimensions + solver options."""
start = SolverTemplate.__str__(self)
kwargs = self._print_kwargs(self.options)
return start + f"\n solver: scipy.linalg.lstsq({kwargs})"
# Main methods ------------------------------------------------------------
def fit(self, data_matrix, lhs_matrix):
r"""Verify dimensions and save the data matrices.
data_matrix : (k, d) ndarray
Data matrix :math:`\D`.
lhs_matrix : (r, k) or (k,) ndarray
"Left-hand side" data matrix :math:`\Z` (not its transpose!).
If one-dimensional, assume :math:`r = 1`.
SolverTemplate.fit(self, data_matrix, lhs_matrix)
if self.k < self.d:
"least-squares system is underdetermined",
return self
def solve(self):
r"""Solve the Operator Inference regression via
Ohat : (r, d) ndarray
Operator matrix :math:`\Ohat` (not its transpose!).
results = la.lstsq(self.data_matrix, self.lhs_matrix.T, **self.options)
return results[0].T
# Persistence -------------------------------------------------------------
def save(self, savefile: str, overwrite: bool = False):
"""Serialize the solver, saving it in HDF5 format.
The model can be recovered with the :meth:`load()` class method.
savefile : str
File to save to, with extension ``.h5`` (HDF5).
overwrite : bool
If ``True`` and the specified ``savefile`` already exists,
overwrite the file. If ``False`` (default) and the specified
``savefile`` already exists, raise an error.
with utils.hdf5_savehandle(savefile, overwrite) as hf:
self._save_dict(hf, "options")
if self.data_matrix is not None:
hf.create_dataset("data_matrix", data=self.data_matrix)
hf.create_dataset("lhs_matrix", data=self.lhs_matrix)
def load(cls, loadfile: str):
"""Load a serialized solver from an HDF5 file, created previously from
the :meth:`save()` method.
loadfile : str
Path to the file where the model was stored via :meth:`save()`.
solver : SolverTemplate
Loaded solver.
options = dict()
with utils.hdf5_loadhandle(loadfile) as hf:
options = cls._load_dict(hf, "options")
solver = cls(**options)
if "data_matrix" in hf:
D = hf["data_matrix"][:]
Z = hf["lhs_matrix"][:]
solver.fit(D, Z)
return solver
def copy(self):
"""Make a copy of the solver."""
solver = self.__class__(
if self.data_matrix is not None:
SolverTemplate.fit(solver, self.data_matrix, self.lhs_matrix)
return solver