Source code for opinf.operators._base

# operators/
"""Abstract base classes for operators."""

__all__ = [

import os
import abc
import copy
import types
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
import scipy.sparse as sparse
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .. import errors, utils

[docs] class InputMixin(abc.ABC): r"""Mixin for operators whose ``apply()`` method acts on the input :math:`\u`. Operators that do not inherit from this Mixin do not have an ``input_dimension`` attribute, which indicates :math:`m = 0`. """ @property @abc.abstractmethod def input_dimension(self) -> int: r"""Dimension :math:`m` of the input :math:`\u` that the operator acts on. """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
def has_inputs(obj) -> bool: r"""Return ``True`` if ``obj`` is an operator object whose ``apply()`` method acts on the ``input_`` argument, i.e., :math:`\Ophat_{\ell}(\qhat,\u)` depends on :math:`\u`. """ return isinstance(obj, InputMixin) # Nonparametric operators =====================================================
[docs] class OperatorTemplate(abc.ABC): r"""Template for general operators :math:`\Ophat_{\ell}(\qhat,\u).` In this package, an "operator" is a function :math:`\Ophat_{\ell}: \RR^r \times \RR^m \to \RR^r` that acts on a state vector :math:`\qhat\in\RR^r` and (optionally) an input vector :math:`\u\in\RR^m`. Models are defined as the sum of several operators, for example, an :class:`opinf.models.ContinuousModel` object represents a system of ordinary differential equations: .. math:: \ddt\qhat(t) = \sum_{\ell=1}^{n_\textrm{terms}}\Ophat_{\ell}(\qhat(t),\u(t)). Notes ----- This class can be used for custom nonparametric model terms that are not learnable with Operator Inference. For parametric model terms, see :class:`ParametricOperatorTemplate`. For model terms that can be learned with Operator Inference, see :class:`OpInfOperator` or :class:`ParametricOpInfOperator`. """ # Properties -------------------------------------------------------------- @property @abc.abstractmethod def state_dimension(self) -> int: r"""Dimension :math:`r` of the state :math:`\qhat` that the operator acts on. """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover def __str__(self) -> str: """String representation: class name + dimensions.""" out = [self.__class__.__name__] out.append(f"state_dimension: {self.state_dimension}") if has_inputs(self): out.append(f"input_dimension: {self.input_dimension}") return "\n ".join(out) def __repr__(self) -> str: return utils.str2repr(self) @staticmethod def _str(statestr, inputstr=None): """String representation of the operator, used when printing out the structure of a model. Parameters ---------- statestr : str String representation of the state, e.g., ``"q(t)"`` or ``"q_j"``. inputstr : str String representation of the input, e.g., ``"u(t)"`` or ``"u_j"``. Returns ------- opstr : str String representation of the operator acting on the state/input, e.g., ``"Aq(t)"`` or ``"Bu(t)"`` or ``"H[q(t) ⊗ q(t)]"``. """ return f"f({statestr}, {inputstr})" # pragma: no cover # Evaluation --------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def apply(self, state: np.ndarray, input_=None) -> np.ndarray: """Apply the operator mapping to the given state / input. Parameters ---------- state : (r,) or (r, k) ndarray State vector or matrix of state vectors. input_ : (m,) or (m, k) ndarray or None Input vector or matrix of input vectors. Returns ------- out : (r,) or (r, k) ndarray Application of the operator to the state / input, with the same number of dimensions as ``state`` and (if provided) ``input_``. """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] def jacobian(self, state: np.ndarray, input_=None) -> np.ndarray: r"""Construct the state Jacobian of the operator. If :math:`[\![\q]\!]_{i}` denotes the :math:`i`-th entry of a vector :math:`\q`, then the :math:`(i,j)`-th entry of the state Jacobian is given by .. math:: [\![\ddqhat\Ophat(\qhat,\u)]\!]_{i,j} = \frac{\partial}{\partial[\![\qhat]\!]_j} [\![\Ophat(\qhat,\u)]\!]_i. Parameters ---------- state : (r,) ndarray State vector. input_ : (m,) ndarray or float or None Input vector. Returns ------- jac : (r, r) ndarray State Jacobian. """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
# Dimensionality reduction ------------------------------------------------
[docs] def galerkin(self, Vr: np.ndarray, Wr=None): r"""Get the (Petrov-)Galerkin projection of this operator. Consider an operator :math:`\Op(\q,\u)`, where :math:`\q\in\RR^n` is the state and :math:`\u\in\RR^m` is the input. Given a *trial basis* :math:`\Vr\in\RR^{n\times r}` and a *test basis* :math:`\Wr\in\RR^{n\times r}`, the Petrov-Galerkin projection of :math:`\Op` is the operator :math:`\Ophat:\RR^r\times\RR^m\to\RR^r` defined by .. math:: \Ophat(\qhat, \u) = (\Wr\trp\Vr)^{-1}\Wr\trp\Op(\Vr\qhat, \u) where :math:`\qhat\in\RR^n` approximates the original state via :math:`\q \approx \Vr\qhat`. Parameters ---------- Vr : (n, r) ndarray Basis for the trial space :math:`\Vr`. Wr : (n, r) ndarray or None Basis for the test space :math:`\Wr`. If ``None`` (default), use ``Vr`` as the test basis. Returns ------- op : :class:`OperatorTemplate` New operator object whose ``state_dimension`` attribute equals ``r``. If this operator acts on inputs, the ``input_dimension`` attribute of the new operator should be ``self.input_dimension``. """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
# Model persistence -------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the operator using :func:`copy.deepcopy()`.""" return copy.deepcopy(self) # pragma: no cover
[docs] def save(self, savefile: str, overwrite: bool = False) -> None: """Save the operator to an HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- savefile : str Path of the file to save the basis in. overwrite : bool If ``True``, overwrite the file if it already exists. If ``False`` (default), raise a ``FileExistsError`` if the file already exists. """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, loadfile: str): """Load an operator from an HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- loadfile : str Path to the file where the operator was stored via :meth:`save()`. """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
# Verification ------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def verify( self, plot: bool = False, *, k: int = 10, fdifftol: float = 1e-5, ntests: int = 4, ) -> None: """Verify consistency between dimension properties and required methods. This method verifies :meth:`apply()` and, if implemented, :meth:`jacobian()`, :meth:`galerkin()`, :meth:`copy()`, :meth:`save()`, and :meth:`load()`. Parameters ---------- plot : bool If ``True``, plot the relative errors of the finite difference check for :meth:`jacobian()` as a function of the perturbation size. If ``False`` (default), print a report of the relative errors. Nothing is plotted or printed if :meth:`jacobian()` is not implemented. Notes ----- This method does **not** verify the correctness of :meth:`apply()`, only that it returns an output with the expected shape. However, if :meth:`jacobian()` is implemented, a finite difference check is applied to check that :meth:`apply()` and :meth:`jacobian()` are consistent. """ # Verify dimensions exist and are valid. if ( not isinstance((r := self.state_dimension), int) or r <= 0 ): # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "state_dimension must be a positive integer " f"(current value: {repr(r)}, of type '{type(r).__name__}')" ) if hasinputs := has_inputs(self): if ( not isinstance((m := self.input_dimension), int) or m <= 0 ): # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "input_dimension must be a positive integer " f"(current value: {repr(m)}, of type '{type(r).__name__}')" ) else: m = 0 # Verify apply() - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Q = np.random.random((r, k)) q = Q[:, 0] U, u = None, None if hasinputs: U = np.random.random((m, k)) u = U[:, 0] out = self.apply(q, u) if not isinstance(out, np.ndarray) or out.shape != ( r, ): # pragma: no cover _message = [ "apply(q, u) must return array of shape (state_dimension,)", "when q.shape = (state_dimension,)", "and u = None", ] if hasinputs: _message[-1] = "and u.shape = (input_dimension,)" raise errors.VerificationError(" ".join(_message)) out = self.apply(Q, U) if not isinstance(out, np.ndarray) or out.shape != ( r, k, ): # pragma: no cover _message = [ "apply(Q, U) must return array of shape (state_dimension, k)", "when Q.shape = (state_dimension, k)", "and U = None", ] if hasinputs: _message[-1] = "and U.shape = (input_dimension, k)" raise errors.VerificationError(" ".join(_message)) # Report successes. def _report_isconsistent(method): _message = f"{method} is consistent with state_dimension" if hasinputs: _message += " and input_dimension" print(_message) _report_isconsistent("apply()") # Verify jacobian() - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def _gradient(f, x, h=1e-8): """Estimate the Jacobian of f:R^n -> R^m at x using perturbations of magnitude h. """ E = np.eye((n := x.size)) return np.array([(f(x + h * E[i]) - f(x)) / h for i in range(n)]).T def _finite_difference_check(f, df, x, hs=None): """Compare analytical and numerical derivatives.""" dfx = df(x) if hs is None: hs = np.logspace(-10, -1, 10)[::-1] return hs, np.array( [la.norm(_gradient(f, x, h) - dfx) / la.norm(dfx) for h in hs] ) try: out = self.jacobian(q, u) except NotImplementedError: # pragma: no cover print("jacobian() not implemented") else: if np.isscalar(out) and out == 0: # pragma: no cover print("jacobian() = 0") elif not isinstance(out, np.ndarray) or out.shape != ( r, r, ): # pragma: no cover _message = [ "jacobian(q, u) must return array", "of shape (state_dimension, state_dimension)", "when q.shape = (state_dimension,)", "and u = None", ] if hasinputs: _message[-1] = "and u.shape = (input_dimension,)" raise errors.VerificationError(" ".join(_message)) else: _report_isconsistent("jacobian()") # Finite difference check. hs, diffs = _finite_difference_check( lambda x: self.apply(x, u), lambda x: self.jacobian(x, u), np.random.standard_normal(r), ) if plot: # pragma: no cover plt.loglog(hs, diffs, ".-", markersize=5, linewidth=0.5) else: print( "jacobian() finite difference relative errors", " ------------------------------------------", sep="\n", ) for h, err in zip(hs, diffs): print(f" h = {h:.2e}\terror = {err:.4e}") if np.min(diffs) > fdifftol: # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "jacobian() finite difference check failed" ) # Verify galerkin() - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def _orth(n, k): """Get an n x k matrix with orthonormal columns.""" return la.qr(np.random.standard_normal((n, k)), mode="economic")[0] if r > 1: rnew = r // 2 Vr = _orth(r, rnew) Wr = _orth(r, rnew) try: out = self.galerkin(Vr, Wr) except NotImplementedError: # pragma: no cover print("galerkin() not implemented") else: if not isinstance(out, OperatorTemplate): # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "galerkin() must return object " "whose class inherits from OperatorTemplate" ) if out.state_dimension != rnew: # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "galerkin(Vr, Wr).state_dimension != Vr.shape[1]" ) if hasinputs and out.input_dimension != m: # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "self.galerkin(Vr, Wr).input_dimension " "!= self.input_dimension" ) WrTVr_LU = la.lu_factor(Wr.T @ Vr) for _ in range(ntests): qr = np.random.random(rnew) full = la.lu_solve(WrTVr_LU, Wr.T @ self.apply(Vr @ qr, u)) reduced = out.apply(qr, u) if not np.allclose(reduced, full): # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "op2.apply(qr, u) != " "inv(Wr.T @ Vr) @ Wr.T @ self.apply(Vr @ qr, u) " "where op2 = self.galerkin(Vr, Wr)" ) out = self.galerkin(Vr) for _ in range(ntests): qr = np.random.random(rnew) full = Vr.T @ self.apply(Vr @ qr, u) reduced = out.apply(qr, u) if not np.allclose(reduced, full): # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "op2.apply(qr, u) != " "Vr.T @ self.apply(Vr @ qr, u) " "where op2 = self.galerkin(Vr) and Vr.T @ Vr = I" ) print("galerkin() is consistent with apply()") else: # pragma: no cover print("cannot test galerkin() when state_dimension = 1") # Verify copy() - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - out = self.copy() if out is self: # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError("self.copy() is self") if out.__class__ is not self.__class__: # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "type(self.copy()) is not type(self)" ) if out.state_dimension != r: # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "self.copy().state_dimension != self.state_dimension" ) if hasinputs and out.input_dimension != m: # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "self.copy().input_dimension != self.input_dimension" ) _report_isconsistent("copy()") for _ in range(ntests): q = np.random.random(r) if not np.allclose( out.apply(q, u), self.apply(q, u) ): # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "self.copy().apply() not consistent with self.apply()" ) print("copy() preserves the results of apply()") # Verify save()/load() - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tempfile = "_operatorverification.h5" try: out = self.load(tempfile) except NotImplementedError: # pragma: no cover print("save() and/or load() not implemented") else: if out.__class__ is not self.__class__: # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "save()/load() does not preserve object type" ) if out.state_dimension != r: # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "save()/load() does not preserve state_dimension" ) if hasinputs and out.input_dimension != m: # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "save()/load() does not preserve input_dimension" ) _report_isconsistent("save()/load()") for _ in range(ntests): q = np.random.random(r) if not np.allclose( out.apply(q, u), self.apply(q, u) ): # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "save()/load() does not preserve the result of apply()" ) print("save()/load() preserves the results of apply()") finally: if os.path.isfile(tempfile): # pragma: no cover os.remove(tempfile)
def is_nonparametric(obj) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if ``obj`` is a nonparametric operator object.""" return isinstance(obj, OperatorTemplate)
[docs] class OpInfOperator(OperatorTemplate): r"""Template for nonparametric operators that can be calibrated through Operator Inference, i.e., :math:`\Ophat_{\ell}(\qhat, \u) = \Ohat_{\ell}\d(\qhat, \u)`. In this package, an "operator" is a function :math:`\Ophat_{\ell}: \RR^r \times \RR^m \to \RR^r` that acts on a state vector :math:`\qhat\in\RR^r` and (optionally) an input vector :math:`\u\in\RR^m`. Models are defined as the sum of several operators, for example, an :class:`opinf.models.ContinuousModel` object represents a system of ordinary differential equations: .. math:: \ddt\qhat(t) = \sum_{\ell=1}^{n_\textrm{terms}}\Ophat_{\ell}(\qhat(t),\u(t)). Operator Inference calibrates operators that can be written as the product of a matrix and some known (possibly nonlinear) function of the state and/or input: .. math:: \Ophat_{\ell}(\qhat, \u) = \Ohat_{\ell}\d(\qhat, \u), where :math:`\Ohat_{\ell}\in\RR^{r\times d}` is a constant matrix, called the *operator entries*, and :math:`\d_{\ell}:\RR^r\times\RR^m\to\RR^d`. Notes ----- * To define operators with a more general structure than :math:`\Ohat_{\ell}\d(\qhat, \u),` see :class:`OperatorTemplate`. * If the operator entries :math:`\Ohat_{\ell}` depend on one or more external parameters, it is called a *parametric operator*. See :class:`ParametricOpInfOperator`. """ # Initialization ---------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, entries=None): """Initialize an empty operator.""" self._clear() if entries is not None: self.set_entries(entries) def _clear(self): """Delete operator ``entries`` and related attributes.""" self.__entries = None @staticmethod def _validate_entries(entries): """Ensure argument is a NumPy array and screen for NaN, Inf entries.""" if sparse.issparse(entries): return if not isinstance(entries, np.ndarray): raise TypeError( "operator entries must be NumPy or scipy.sparse array" ) if np.any(np.isnan(entries)): raise ValueError("operator entries must not be NaN") elif np.any(np.isinf(entries)): raise ValueError("operator entries must not be Inf")
[docs] def set_entries(self, entries) -> None: """Set the :attr:`entries` attribute.""" self.__entries = entries
# Properties -------------------------------------------------------------- @property def entries(self) -> np.ndarray: r"""Discrete representation of the operator, the matrix :math:`\Ohat`. """ return self.__entries @entries.setter def entries(self, entries): """Set the ``entries`` attribute.""" self.set_entries(entries) @entries.deleter def entries(self): """Reset the ``entries`` attribute.""" self._clear() @property def shape(self) -> tuple: """Shape of the operator matrix.""" return None if self.entries is None else self.entries.shape @property def state_dimension(self) -> int: r"""Dimension :math:`r` of the state :math:`\qhat` that the operator acts on. """ return None if self.entries is None else self.entries.shape[0] # Magic methods ----------------------------------------------------------- def __getitem__(self, key): """Slice into the entries of the operator.""" return None if self.entries is None else self.entries[key] def __eq__(self, other): """Two OpInf operators are equal if they are of the same class and have the same ``entries`` array. """ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False if (self.entries is None and other.entries is not None) or ( self.entries is not None and other.entries is None ): return False if self.entries is not None: if self.shape != other.shape: return False return np.all(self.entries == other.entries) return True def __add__(self, other): """Nonparametric operators are linear in their entries.""" if (ocls := other.__class__) is not (scls := self.__class__): raise TypeError( f"can't add object of type '{ocls.__name__}' " f"to object of type '{scls.__name__}'" ) return scls(self.entries + other.entries) def __str__(self): out = OperatorTemplate.__str__(self) return out + f"\n entries.shape: {self.shape}" # Evaluation --------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @utils.requires("entries") def jacobian(self, state, input_=None) -> np.ndarray: # pragma: no cover r"""Construct the state Jacobian of the operator. If :math:`[\![\q]\!]_{i}` denotes the :math:`i`-th entry of a vector :math:`\q`, then the :math:`(i,j)`-th entry of the state Jacobian is given by .. math:: [\![\ddqhat\Ophat(\qhat,\u)]\!]_{i,j} = \frac{\partial}{\partial[\![\qhat]\!]_j} [\![\Ophat(\qhat,\u)]\!]_i. If a child class does not implement this method, it is assumed that the Jacobian is zero (i.e., the operator does not act on the state). Parameters ---------- state : (r,) ndarray State vector. input_ : (m,) ndarray or float or None Input vector. Returns ------- jac : (r, r) ndarray State Jacobian. """ return 0
# Dimensionality reduction ------------------------------------------------ def _galerkin(self, Vr, Wr, func): r"""Get the (Petrov-)Galerkin projection of this operator. Subclasses may implement this function as follows: .. code-block:: python @utils.requires("entries") def galerkin(self, Vr, Wr=None): '''Docstring''' return self._galerkin(Vr, Wr, lambda A, V: <TODO>) Parameters ---------- Vr : (n, r) ndarray Basis for the trial space. Wr : (n, r) ndarray or None Basis for the test space. If ``None``, defaults to ``Vr``. func : callable Function that accepts the operator ``entries`` and the trial basis ``Vr`` and computes the right side of the projection, i.e, the result of substituting :math:`\q` with :math:`\Vr\qhat`. For example, for linear operator :math:`\Op_\ell(\q) = \A\q`, ``func`` should return :math:`\A\Vr`. Returns ------- op : operator New object of the same class as ``self``. """ if Wr is None: Wr = Vr n, r = Wr.shape if self.entries.shape[0] != n: # pragma: no cover raise errors.DimensionalityError("basis and operator not aligned") if Vr.shape[1] != r: # pragma: no cover raise errors.DimensionalityError( "trial and test bases not aligned" ) entries = Wr.T @ func(self.entries, Vr) if not np.allclose((WrTVr := Wr.T @ Vr), np.eye(r)): entries = la.solve(WrTVr, entries) return self.__class__(entries) # Operator inference ------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def operator_dimension(r: int, m: int = None) -> int: r"""Column dimension of the operator entries. Child classes should decorate this method with ``@staticmethod``. Parameters ---------- r : int State dimension. m : int or None Input dimension. Returns ------- d : int Number of columns in the operator entries matrix. This is also the number of rows in the data matrix block. """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def datablock(states: np.ndarray, inputs=None) -> np.ndarray: r"""Construct the data matrix block corresponding to the operator. For a nonparametric operator :math:`\Ophat_{\ell}(\qhat,\u) = \Ohat_{\ell}\d_{\ell}(\qhat, \u)`, the data matrix block corresponding to the data pairs :math:`\{(\qhat_j,\u_j)\}_{j=0}^{k-1}` is the matrix .. math:: \D\trp = \left[\begin{array}{c|c|c|c} & & & \\ \d_{\ell}(\qhat_0,\u_0) & \d_{\ell}(\qhat_1,\u_1) & \cdots & \\d_{\ell}(\qhat_{k-1},\u_{k-1}) \\ & & & \end{array}\right] \in \RR^{d \times k}. Here, ``states`` is the snapshot matrix :math:`[~\qhat_0~~\cdots~~\qhat_{k-1}~]` and ``inputs`` is the (optional) input matrix :math:`[~\u_0~~\cdots~~\u_{k-1}~]`. Child classes should decorate this method with ``@staticmethod``. Parameters ---------- states : (r, k) or (k,) ndarray State vectors. Each column is a single state vector. If one dimensional, it is assumed that :math:`r = 1`. inputs : (m, k) or (k,) ndarray or None Input vectors. Each column is a single input vector. If one dimensional, it is assumed that :math:`m = 1`. Returns ------- block : (d, k) or (d,) ndarray Data matrix block. Here, :math:`d` is ``entries.shape[1]``. """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
# Model persistence -------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the operator.""" entries = self.entries.copy() if self.entries is not None else None return self.__class__(entries)
[docs] def save(self, savefile: str, overwrite: bool = False) -> None: """Save the operator to an HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- savefile : str Path of the file to save the basis in. overwrite : bool If ``True``, overwrite the file if it already exists. If ``False`` (default), raise a ``FileExistsError`` if the file already exists. """ with utils.hdf5_savehandle(savefile, overwrite) as hf: meta = hf.create_dataset("meta", shape=(0,)) meta.attrs["class"] = self.__class__.__name__ if self.entries is not None: hf.create_dataset("entries", data=self.entries)
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, loadfile: str): """Load an operator from an HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- loadfile : str Path to the file where the operator was stored via :meth:`save()`. """ with utils.hdf5_loadhandle(loadfile) as hf: if ( ClassName := hf["meta"].attrs["class"] ) != cls.__name__: # pragma: no cover raise TypeError( f"file '{loadfile}' contains '{ClassName}' " f"object, use '{ClassName}.load()" ) return cls(hf["entries"][:] if "entries" in hf else None)
# Verification ------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def verify( self, plot: bool = False, *, k: int = 10, ntests: int = 4, r: int = 6, m: int = 3, ) -> None: """Verify consistency between dimension properties and required methods. This method verifies :meth:`apply()` and, if implemented, :meth:`jacobian()`, :meth:`galerkin()`, :meth:`copy()`, :meth:`save()`, and :meth:`load()`. If the :attr:`entries` are not set, no checks are made. Parameters ---------- plot : bool If ``True``, plot the relative errors of the finite difference check for :meth:`jacobian()` as a function of the perturbation size. If ``False`` (default), print a report of the relative errors. Nothing is plotted or printed if :meth:`jacobian()` is not implemented. Notes ----- This method does **not** verify the correctness of :meth:`apply()`, only that it returns an output with the expected shape. However, if :meth:`jacobian()` is implemented, a finite difference check is applied to check that :meth:`apply()` and :meth:`jacobian()` are consistent. """ # Verify operator_dimension() - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if not isinstance( self.operator_dimension, types.FunctionType ): # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "operator_dimension() must have @staticmethod decorator" ) d = self.operator_dimension(r, m) if not isinstance(d, int) or d <= 0: # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "operator_dimension() must return a positive integer" ) # Verify datablock() - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if not isinstance( self.datablock, types.FunctionType ): # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "datablock() must have @staticmethod decorator" ) Dt = self.datablock(np.random.random((r, k)), np.random.random((m, k))) if not isinstance(Dt, np.ndarray) or Dt.ndim != 2: # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "datablock() must return a two-dimensional array" ) if Dt.shape != (d, k): # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "datablock().shape[0] != operator_dimension()" ) print("operator_dimension() is consistent with datablock()") # Verify instance methods - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if self.entries is None: # pragma: no cover return print("cannot verify apply() when entries=None") OperatorTemplate.verify(self, plot=plot, k=k, ntests=ntests)
# Parametric operators ========================================================
[docs] class ParametricOperatorTemplate(abc.ABC): r"""Template for operators that depend on external parameters, :math:`\Ophat_{\ell}(\qhat,\u;\bfmu).` In this package, a parametric "operator" is a function :math:`\Ophat_{\ell}: \RR^r \times \RR^m \times \RR^p \to \RR^r` that acts on a state vector :math:`\qhat\in\RR^r`, an (optional) input vector :math:`\u\in\RR^m`, and a parameter vector :math:`\bfmu\in\RR^p`. Parametric models are defined as the sum of several operators, at least one of which is parametric. For example, a system of ODEs: .. math:: \ddt\qhat(t;\bfmu) = \sum_{\ell=1}^{n_\textrm{terms}}\Ophat_{\ell}(\qhat(t),\u(t);\bfmu). Notes ----- This class can be used for custom nonparametric model terms that are not learnable with Operator Inference. For nonparametric model terms, see :class:`OperatorTemplate`. For model terms that can be learned with Operator Inference, see :class:`OpInfOperator` or :class:`ParametricOpInfOperator`. """ # Nonparametric operator class that this parametric operator evaluates to. _OperatorClass = NotImplemented # Properties -------------------------------------------------------------- @property @abc.abstractmethod def state_dimension(self) -> int: r"""Dimension :math:`r` of the state :math:`\qhat` that the operator acts on. """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover @property @abc.abstractmethod def parameter_dimension(self) -> int: r"""Dimension :math:`p` of the parameter vector :math:`\bfmu` that the operator matrix depends on. """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover def __str__(self) -> str: """String representation: class name, dimensions, evaluation type.""" out = [self.__class__.__name__] out.append(f"state_dimension: {self.state_dimension}") if has_inputs(self): out.append(f"input_dimension: {self.input_dimension}") out.append(f"parameter_dimension: {self.parameter_dimension}") out.append(f"evaluate(parameter) -> {self._OperatorClass.__name__}") return "\n ".join(out) def __repr__(self) -> str: return utils.str2repr(self) # Evaluation -------------------------------------------------------------- def _check_parametervalue_dimension(self, parameter): """Ensure a new parameter value has the expected shape.""" if (pdim := self.parameter_dimension) is None: raise RuntimeError("parameter_dimension not set") if np.atleast_1d(parameter).shape[0] != pdim: raise ValueError(f"expected parameter of shape ({pdim:d},)")
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def evaluate(self, parameter): r"""Evaluate the operator at the given parameter value, resulting in a nonparametric operator. Parameters ---------- parameter : (p,) ndarray or float Parameter value :math:`\bfmu` at which to evalute the operator. Returns ------- op : nonparametric :mod:`opinf.operators` operator Nonparametric operator corresponding to the parameter value. This should be an instance of :class:`OperatorTemplate` (or a class that inherits from it). """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] def apply(self, parameter, state, input_=None): r"""Apply the operator to the given state and input at the specified parameter value, :math:`\Ophat_\ell(\qhat,\u;\bfmu)`. Parameters ---------- parameter : (p,) ndarray or float Parameter value. state : (r,) ndarray State vector. input_ : (m,) ndarray or float or None Input vector. Returns ------- (r,) ndarray Notes ----- For repeated calls with the same parameter value, use :meth:`evaluate()` to first get the nonparametric operator corresponding to the parameter value. .. code-block:: # Instead of this... >>> values = [parametric_operator.apply(parameter, q, u) ... for q, u in zip(list_of_states, list_of_inputs)] # is faster to do this. >>> operator_at_parameter = parametric_operator.evaluate(parameter) >>> values = [operator_at_parameter.apply(q, u) ... for q, u in zip(list_of_states, list_of_inputs)] """ return self.evaluate(parameter).apply(state, input_)
[docs] def jacobian(self, parameter, state, input_=None): r"""Construct the state Jacobian of the operator, :math:`\ddqhat\Ophat_\ell(\qhat,\u;\bfmu)`. If :math:`[\![\q]\!]_{i}` denotes the entry :math:`i` of a vector :math:`\q`, then the entries of the state Jacobian are given by .. math:: [\![\ddqhat\Ophat_\ell(\qhat,\u;\bfmu)]\!]_{i,j} = \frac{\partial}{\partial[\![\qhat]\!]_j} [\![\Ophat_\ell(\qhat,\u;\bfmu)]\!]_i. Parameters ---------- parameter : (p,) ndarray or float Parameter value. state : (r,) ndarray State vector. input_ : (m,) ndarray or float or None Input vector. Returns ------- jac : (r, r) ndarray State Jacobian. Notes ----- For repeated calls with the same parameter value, use :meth:`evaluate()` to first get the nonparametric operator corresponding to the parameter value. .. code-block:: # Instead of this... >>> values = [parametric_operator.jacobian(parameter, q, u) ... for q, u in zip(list_of_states, list_of_inputs)] # is faster to do this. >>> operator_at_parameter = parametric_operator.evaluate(parameter) >>> values = [operator_at_parameter.jacobian(q, u) ... for q, u in zip(list_of_states, list_of_inputs)] """ return self.evaluate(parameter).jacobian(state, input_)
# Dimensionality reduction ------------------------------------------------
[docs] def galerkin(self, Vr, Wr=None): r"""Get the (Petrov-)Galerkin projection of this operator. Consider an operator :math:`\Op(\q,\u)`, where :math:`\q\in\RR^n` is the state and :math:`\u\in\RR^m` is the input. Given a *trial basis* :math:`\Vr\in\RR^{n\times r}` and a *test basis* :math:`\Wr\in\RR^{n\times r}`, the Petrov-Galerkin projection of :math:`\Op` is the operator :math:`\Ophat:\RR^r\times\RR^m\to\RR^r` defined by .. math:: \Ophat(\qhat, \u) = (\Wr\trp\Vr)^{-1}\Wr\trp\Op(\Vr\qhat, \u) where :math:`\qhat\in\RR^n` approximates the original state via :math:`\q \approx \Vr\qhat`. Parameters ---------- Vr : (n, r) ndarray Basis for the trial space. Wr : (n, r) ndarray or None Basis for the test space. If ``None``, defaults to ``Vr``. Returns ------- op : operator New object of the same class as ``self`` whose ``state_dimension`` attribute equals ``r``. If this operator acts on inputs, the ``input_dimension`` attribute of the new operator should be ``self.input_dimension``. """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
# Model persistence -------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the operator.""" return copy.deepcopy(self) # pragma: no cover
[docs] def save(self, savefile: str, overwrite: bool = False) -> None: """Save the operator to an HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- savefile : str Path of the file to save the basis in. overwrite : bool If ``True``, overwrite the file if it already exists. If ``False`` (default), raise a ``FileExistsError`` if the file already exists. """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, loadfile: str): """Load an operator from an HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- loadfile : str Path to the file where the operator was stored via :meth:`save()`. """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
# Verification ------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def verify(self, testparam=None): """Verify dimension attributes and :meth:`evaluate()`. Parameters ---------- testparam : (p,) ndarray or None Test parameter at which to evaluate the operator. If ``None`` (default), draw test parameter entries from the standard Normal distribution. """ # Check the _OperatorClass. if not issubclass( self._OperatorClass, OperatorTemplate ): # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "_OperatorClass must be a nonparametric operator type" ) # Verify dimensions exist and are valid. if ( not isinstance((r := self.state_dimension), int) or r <= 0 ): # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "state_dimension must be a positive integer " f"(current value: {repr(r)}, of type '{type(r).__name__}')" ) if hasinputs := has_inputs(self): if ( not isinstance((m := self.input_dimension), int) or m <= 0 ): # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "input_dimension must be a positive integer " f"(current value: {repr(m)}, of type '{type(r).__name__}')" ) else: m = 0 # Get a test parameter. if testparam is None: testparam = np.random.standard_normal(self.parameter_dimension) if np.shape(testparam) != ( self.parameter_dimension, ): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("testparam.shape != (parameter_dimension,)") # Evaluate the operator at the test parameter. op_evaluated = self.evaluate(testparam) if not isinstance( op_evaluated, self._OperatorClass ): # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "evaluate() must return instance of type _OperatorClass" ) if not is_nonparametric(op_evaluated): # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "_OperatorClass must be a nonparametric operator type" ) if ( op_evaluated.state_dimension != self.state_dimension ): # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "result of evaluate() does not retain the state_dimension" ) if hasinputs: if not has_inputs(op_evaluated): # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "result of evaluate() should depend on inputs" ) if op_evaluated.input_dimension != m: # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "result of evaluate() does not retain the input_dimension" ) else: if has_inputs(op_evaluated): # pragma: no cover raise errors.VerificationError( "result of evaluate() should not depend on inputs" )
def is_parametric(obj) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if ``obj`` is a parametric operator object.""" return isinstance(obj, ParametricOperatorTemplate)
[docs] class ParametricOpInfOperator(ParametricOperatorTemplate): r"""Template for operators that depend on external parameters, and which can be calibrated through operator inference, i.e., :math:`\Ophat_\ell(\qhat,\u;\bfmu) = \Ohat_\ell(\bfmu)\d_\ell(\qhat,\u)`. """ # Initialization ---------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self): """Initialize the parameter_dimension.""" self._clear() def _clear(self) -> None: """Reset the operator to its post-constructor state.""" self.__p = None self.__entries = None def _set_parameter_dimension_from_values(self, parameters) -> None: """Extract and save the dimension of the parameter space from a set of one or more parameter values. Parameters ---------- parameters : (s, p) or (s,) ndarray Parameter value(s). """ if (dim := len(shape := np.shape(parameters))) == 1: self.__p = 1 elif dim == 2: self.__p = shape[1] else: raise ValueError("parameter values must be scalars or 1D arrays") # Verification ------------------------------------------------------------ @staticmethod def _check_shape_consistency(iterable, prefix: str) -> None: """Ensure that each array in `iterable` has the same shape.""" shape = np.shape(iterable[0]) if any(np.shape(A) != shape for A in iterable): raise ValueError(f"{prefix} shapes inconsistent") # Properties -------------------------------------------------------------- @property def state_dimension(self) -> int: r"""Dimension :math:`r` of the state :math:`\qhat` that the operator acts on. """ return None if self.entries is None else self.entries[0].shape[0] @property def parameter_dimension(self) -> int: r"""Dimension :math:`p` of the parameter vector :math:`\bfmu` that the operator matrix depends on. """ return self.__p @parameter_dimension.setter def parameter_dimension(self, p): """Set :attr:`parameter_dimension`. Only allowed if :attr:`parameter_dimension` is currently ``None``. """ if self.__p is not None: raise AttributeError( "can't set property 'parameter_dimension' twice" ) if not isinstance(p, int) or p < 1: raise ValueError("parameter_dimension must be a positive integer") self.__p = p @property def shape(self) -> tuple: """Shape of the operator matrix when evaluated at a parameter value. """ return None if self.entries is None else self.entries[0].shape @property def entries(self): r"""Arrays that define the operator matrix as a function of the parameter vector. """ return self.__entries
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_entries(self, entries, fromblock: bool = False) -> None: r"""Set the arrays that define the operator matrix as a function of the parameter vector. Parameters ---------- entries : list of s (r, d) ndarrays, or (r, sd) ndarray Operator entries, either as a list of arrays (``fromblock=False``, default) or as a horizontal concatenatation of arrays (``fromblock=True``). fromblock : bool If ``True``, interpret ``entries`` as a horizontal concatenation of arrays; if ``False`` (default), interpret ``entries`` as a list of arrays. """ self.__entries = entries
# Operator inference ------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def operator_dimension(self, s: int, r: int, m: int = None) -> int: r"""Number of columns in the total operator matrix. Parameters ---------- s : int Number of training parameter values. r : int State dimension. m : int or None Input dimension. Returns ------- d : int Number of columns in the total operator entries matrix. This is also the number of rows in the data matrix block. """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def datablock(self, parameters, states, inputs=None): r"""Return the data matrix block corresponding to the operator. Parameters ---------- parameters : (s, p) ndarray Traning parameter values :math:`\bfmu_{0},\ldots,\bfmu_{s-1}`. states : list of s (r, k_i) ndarrays State snapshots for each of the :math:`s` training parameter values. inputs : list of s (m, k_i) ndarrays Inputs corresponding to the state snapshots. Returns ------- block : (D, K) ndarray Data block for the parametric operator. Here, :math:`D` is the total operator matrix dimension and :math:`K = \sum_{i=0}^{s-1}k_i`, the total number of state snapshots. """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
def is_opinf(obj) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if ``obj`` is an OpInf operator (whether or not the entries are calibrated). """ return isinstance(obj, (OpInfOperator, ParametricOpInfOperator)) def is_uncalibrated(obj) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if ``obj`` is an OpInf operator with empty entries.""" return is_opinf(obj) and obj.entries is None